Why Sleep Gets Harder When You Get Older

Why Sleep Gets Harder When You Get Older

If you are anything like me, you wish you slept like when you were younger.

As I went into middle age, sleep got harder. Night-time interruptions from teenagers, thinking about complex issues while waiting for sleep to arrive, wanting to stay up and watch that game from the wrong coast, carrying a little more weight than I used to… and, well, I’ve got it easier than most.

Many people in my demographic also take medications which can contribute to sleep disruption. Like my sports problem, they’ve got their own binge-worthy media habits, some of which come right on that phone they take to bed.

And then there’s the biological and chemical changes. We produce less melatonin and growth hormone as we get older, which makes staying asleep, and experiencing deep sleep, more problematic. Our circadian rhythms get disrupted, so we “solve” the problem with stimulants, naps, and depressants, depending on what state we’re trying to achieve. You also have, shall we say, a different bladder than you grew up with.

This creates a negative feedback loop where we are more isolated (who’s got the energy to go out, be social, be in public?), less physically active (too tired for the gym!), and more stressed, because of course you are. You’d be crazy not to feel more stress, honestly.

It’s easy to see this as just a product of the age. Mid-life crisis is a cliché for a reason, and as a parent of teenagers, I can tell you that their stress can easily become the source of yours. Many careers take on difficulty with remote and round-the-clock schedules. Left unchecked, the spiral can cause substance abuse issues, heart trouble, and even more serious concerns, which of course… add to the stress.

Luckily, while there is no avoiding Father Time, there are steps you can take to make sure your later years are some of your best. Prioritizing your sleep is perhaps the first and most important one, in that it sets the tone for the rest of the day’s decisions. And that’s where Sonnet can help.

Our blend of all-natural, non-addictive and perfectly balanced natural ingredients can give you what you need to get your cycle back on track, despite everything that’s coming your way. While Sonnet works for people of all ages, it’s perhaps most effective – and appreciated! – by adults who have been around the block a few times.

Sleep well, live better!